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5 Top Companies Using Effective BPO Services

Written by Uassist.ME Team | Sep 16, 2019 5:30:54 PM

Some weeks ago, in a previous post, we talked about BPO and the outsourcing industry from scratch.

Both starting solopreneurs and small business owners will need to get familiar with outsourcing in order to achieve the long term expansion they’re looking for.

A business process can be much cheaper (still high quality) if you learn how to outsource smart instead of hiring in-house full-time employees for every single task that needs to be done.

It’s simply financially impossible for a solopreneur or small business to hire all the necessary hands in house-to get the business engines running. 

And make a profit at the end of the day.

The high costs of it would inevitably skyrocket your business. To bankruptcy. 

But we don’t want that.

So, the question today can we

  • get business solutions quickly
  • find high-quality employees in our market
  • manage a modest budget to perform a million tasks effectively?

With BPO. And technology is, of course, in the picture.

Maybe it’s difficult at first to understand what type of bpo solutions you need. 

But don’t worry. 

We’re here to clear the air.

Today, we’re going to analyze five different yet successful companies that embraced bpo service providers for several business functions. Outsourcing has been the core of their business success, and here we have some inspiring stories.

Let’s start!


The IT giant decided to embrace BPO the big way when they invested heavily in Bangalore, India for their second largest development and research building.

In order to offer seamless technical support, meet clients demands, and to develop ultimate technologies faster and cheaper than in the US, the IT company offshored services to 1500 Indian professionals this time.

This way, 24/7 response, as well as monitoring and technical support when issues arise were totally covered at a lower price than if those were carried out in the US. 

The result was elevated customer satisfaction, the integration of channels with client-facing processes and, as you can imagine, more profit.

This is not the first company to do so. Many European and American companies have BPO in India within their top business goals.

2. Marriot

In 2013, the famous hotel chain decided to bpo in the following areas of business

  • management consulting
  • technology 
  • finances

However, they didn’t go small. Instead, they forged a strategic alliance with another famous company. Accenture. 

It was because of these particular necessities that Accenture created Accenture Hospitality Services (AHS).

This way, this service provider started to give industry-specific finance and accounting services.

This was a huge case of win-win. Not only for Marriot and Accenture, but for other hotels too.

Can you imagine your next strategic business bond?

3. Skype 

The key to this giant was outsourcing their entire website development.

This business grew insanely fast. In just a couple of years, the company was bought for $2.5 billion.

However, let’s extrapolate this example to another field and in a much lower scale.

Imagine you run an online vintage decoration store. You may want to apply bpo for your bookkeeping tasks. Because you don’t operate from an office, and, most importantly, you have zero interest in doing so, you decide to go for outsourcing of this business process.

You just want to side hustle and see how it goes. So, keeping your finances in order will be mandatory to grow.

That’s an excellent idea to test bpo in your startup.

4. GitHub

This is another business that completely said yes to process automation. When the company started, the founders couldn't afford to hire an in-house developer, so they hired Scott Chacon as a contractor.

He happened to attract more than 11 million users by writing the back end of Gist, a feature within the software. 

This could be your story too. 

The exciting thing about BPO is that it’s not a fixed business model. It’s ideal to adapt it to your specific needs and find a way so that the benefits it brings outrun the disadvantages.

Maybe you need financial services, or technology operations outsourced. One way or another, there’s always room for process improvement.

5. Fab

To maximize funding, the founder of the company outsourced a website development company from India to create his initial site.

Goldberg found out that engineers in the United States were completely out of his budget, so he thought outsourcing was a smart way to invest his money and succeed.

You may be wondering what’s the next smartest move to make on your front. In two words: nearshore outsourcing. Not only for the cost savings but also to save time.

With Uassist.ME, you can manage your hectic business schedule in a completely different fashion. Using virtual assistant services lets you focus on those core business tasks you want to spend more time doing. 

And less on the others.

Revolutionize your whole working week (and the way you do business) with our dedicated team of highly skilled virtual assistants.

Some of our virtual assistance service offerings:

  • graphic design and web developing
  • PR and human resources 
  • business  
  • finance and accounting
  • customer service
  • marketing (email, social, analytics, etc.) 
  • technical support

Are you still worried about data security? 

With Uassist.ME you can totally relax about cybersecurity. 

Due to our high expertise, we’ve been certified as HIPAA Compliant, which means we consistently abide by the extremely strict regulations required to manage online data of the medical industry.

Sadly, this industry is heavily prone to data breaches.

We also improve top executives and big company's processes (such as Viacom and Facebook) to provide them with solid management solutions at the same time they can reduce costs.

Now it's your turn to get started.

Enjoy the benefits of having your business processes outsourced. 

Within a rapidly changing technology paradigm, today, a virtual assistant becomes key for an effective business process. No matter your industry.

What's more, robotic process automation will get increasingly common as the tasks performed by human beings are going to change radically.

With Uassist.ME, you get future-ready. 

Contact us!