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8 Steps to Keep your Office Environment eco-friendly

Written by UAMTeam | Oct 8, 2013 4:20:19 PM

Are you beginning to embrace the eco-friendly vibe in the workplace and at home? 


The mere idea of zero carbon footprint ignites you?


Good for you! 


Because natural is the new black for consumers of all ages.


And today, we mean much more than just recycling when we think about going green in the workplace. Whether it's your house, a co-working space, a coffee shop or favourite beach.


Fortunately, there are actually a lot of other things you can do to have a positive impact on the world when it comes to the environment.


For instance, the planet needs an urgent single-use plastic lifestyle more than ever to reduce environmental impact. Among other important measures, for sure.


These useful tips for keeping your office more environment-friendly is by no means an exhaustive list. 


But it’s totally a sure proof way to get started with the right foot in making your workplace "greener" and much better.


And also:


  • you can be in peace with nature
  • you save money
  • organizing your space more efficiently will make you more productive
  • you can leave a better legacy for future generations

But most importantly, you'll avoid using plastic products unnecessarily.


Air quality and renewable energy are totally up to us. Protecting the environment is easy with these 8 ideas. Because harmful practices for the planet need to stop now.


1. Use energy wisely 

Try to make it part of your working ritual to turn off all computers, printers, photocopiers, and other electrical equipment that doesn’t need to be left on at the end of the day. And leave them off until you need to use them again the next morning.


Also, check that all computers/monitors are set to their most energy-efficient settings (e.g., monitor set to shut off after 15 minutes of no use). Use compact fluorescent bulbs instead of incandescent ones. 


Air conditioning tip:


You don't need to do very much in order to reduce the power consumption of the air conditioning.


It's always advisable to regulate the temperature to avoid excessive use.


When it's really hot, you can use dark curtains to lessen the amount of light that enters the room, and it is a bit cooler. That way, you won't need to overuse the air conditioning. 


2. Reduce, reuse, recycle 

The “Reduce, reuse, recycle” means more than just throwing old paper in the blue bin. 


Really think about every single thing you use. 


Do you need disposable cups at the water cooler? Can you use the other side of the used sheets of paper you’ve thrown in the recycle bin?


Do you have your personal mug or cup of coffee? Or are you always buying coffee and throwing away a different cup every single time?


Just try to think about your every resource and optimize it. 


For example, you can buy everyday stuff, like food, with eco-friendly packaging. In almost every city or town, this is a growing tendency. So, there's no excuse to find them.


Another increasing tendency is to find other types of products, such as travel bags, made from the most original recycled materials.


And another good idea is to buy products in bulk, so there is less packaging waste.


3. Use environmentally friendly office products

On average, they only cost 5% more, which is a small price to pay to cut down on waste and pollution. Start small – 100% recycled paper, refillable ink cartridges, non-toxic highlighters, etc. 


Using e-mails for communication instead of paper-based notes is an excellent way to take care of the planet.


Only print what is strictly necessary.


Extra tip: 


Designate a place for composting. That way, you can go back to earth organic waste such as fruit skins and certain leftovers. 


4. Telecommuting 

Encourage working from home (if you can), particularly for workers who would normally drive long distances to work. 


This cuts down on pollution and increases time availability. And if you devise a small but powerful team for your startup, you can have your own company without bosses and a non-traditional system. 


And people can be really productive in this scenario when you give them a lot of freedom and trust.


You just have to think big, start small! And find people in which you can trust. 


Moreover, there are a lot of green co-working spaces which encourage:


  • Arriving in there by bike 
  • Energy efficiency
  • Working remotely
  • Eco-friendly living
  • Low greenhouse gas emissions

5. Transportation 

For those who do come to the office on a regular basis, encourage (and help arrange) carpooling, use of public transit, biking, or walking. 


These methods are especially important in big cities, where people need to sometimes commute or make a long (or more journeys) throughout the working day. 


And traffic jams are the common currency which can be avoided. Because they can be truly stressful. 


Alternative means of transport can also be healthy because people tend to rush if they can quickly get to another place. For example, using the metro in 10 minutes.


However, when people walk or cycle they tend to prepare themselves more. Maybe with helmets, sneakers or different errands to do on their way.


And they can combine getting more sunlight when the weather allows it, instead of throwing themselves in their car. 


And rush to be stuck again on a traffic jam that could have really been avoided. 


6. Aim for a paperless office

Though the paperless office may still seem unrealistic, at least try to cut down on printed material when possible. Use only 100% recycled content paper products in the office and when getting promotional material professionally produced. 


The use of Whatsapp, G Suite and all kinds of collaborative tools.


7. Institute a casual dress code

Not having to wear suits in hot summer months can help keep cooling costs down (and make for a happier workplace). 


Some fields are luckier depending on the industry and niche because people tend to dress more casually. For example, legal firms tend to be less relaxed with clothes than IT.


And that can be super beneficial also for women who can wear laid-back dresses in summer.


However, this will depend on the company culture or the degree of formality each person/startup wants to deal with. 


In any case, it's important to remember that light clothes can minimize the risk of pressure drop.


8. Fairtrade & organic

Buy fair trade organic coffee, and teas for the office. If employees prefer to go out for their hot beverages, encourage them to take their own mugs. Most coffee shops offer a small discount to patrons who do so.


These types of partnerships are compromised with sustainable development by offering fair trading conditions to coffee bean farmers.


These organizations support sustainable environmental farming practices and prohibit child labor or forced labor.


Having your whole workplace natural and organic is a tough challenge when you´re 


  • stressed
  • running
  • pressed for time
  • focusing on too many business things

Because if you're nervous, you don't pay attention to your surroundings and how to take care of them.  And sadly, the environment is not a priority in those cases.


How many times have you grabbed three napkins (instead of one) because you were running against a hectic calendar?


Are you overscheduling things repeatedly? 


Do you find yourself having a hard time to eat in peace and breathe deeply?


Are all of the above seriously affecting your personal relationships?


It's time to delegate all the tasks you don't want to do anymore.


It's time to leave it all today to a virtual assistant.


But you may wonder why the role of a virtual assistant is so crucial these days. 


The right choice of VA can save you up to 77% of your time per year by outsourcing non-core activities and allowing you to devote your precious time to what matters the most.

Maybe it's your health, a side project, your family, your hobbies. Or all of them together. 


Not to mention that with one of our dedicated virtual assistants, you can receive a wide variety of services that go beyond a secretary role.


Just some of them:


  • Customer service
  • Social media maintenance 
  • Translations (English-Spanish and vice-versa)
  • Bookkeeping services 
  • Billing and collecting 

Hot trends:


  • eCommerce
  • Real Estate

Let the power of a VA transform your routine. 


Get started.