As every person in this country, a small business also need a New Year's resolution, in this time is more reasonable to say something you actually can't handle and not say any excuse about doing "something" in the rest of this year if you can start immediately .
"A new year brings with it the promise of a fresh start", said Connie Certusi, executive Vice President and General Manager of small business accounting at Sage North America. this year is a new challenge for keep your customers happy and be satisfy with your work.
And as a business new plan for this year, we propose you this list of 5 new year's resolutions for keep you in the business.
1. The Tecnology Buck.
This year promise to be a year of full tecnology, in a case that your business or your products require more tecnology it's important to be in the front row of this step and do the best you can to keep your business where you want it to be.
Invest in tecnology is the ideal option that you have if you want your business to be in top ones.
2. The Mobile Payments
It's important for your small business to take the most secure form for mobile payments. The current magnetic stripe is highly inconvenient for smartphone-enabled customers. And credit card numbers are extremely insecure. Their authorization doesn't specify the amount of the transaction, so they are routinely "accidentally" used twice by merchants. Or even worse, are stolen from reputable retailers by third parties.
Customers and business partners will expect to send and receive payments using more secure and convenient methods like Pay-pal or Google Wallet. — Dr. Satwant Kaur, "First Lady of Emerging Technologies" and chief technologist at Hewlett-Packard
3. Get a Closer relationship with your customers.
One of the ideal reslutions for this year in your business is to get more closer to your customer, innovating the ways you can engaged them with you.
It's important to take the customers as a relationship like if you were friends not as transactions.
The value of a great customermabe take you to next level of your business, because you create a great relationship and they will support you no matter what and that is a great deal if you want to succeed.
4. A new Social Media Strategy
In this past year, we definitely saw a big change in Social Media, the impact in the people and the benefits to have a social media strategy. In 2014, a picture truly will be worth a thousand words as small businesses increase their adoption of visual-based social networks like Pinterest, YouTube, Instagram, Tumblr and Slideshare. — Mark Schmulen, general manager of social media at Constant Contact
5. Make Customer Service a Priority
The customer service can make or break your relationship with your current and even future customers. If you want to look ahead in this year, the customerservice should help you to make the customers a priority and take advantage of the cloud to work smarter and make all your customer happy.