Organizational culture is a crucial part of every business. While it is important to take care of daily operations, building an efficient organizational culture is what makes a company stronger as a whole.
A company's culture, common values, goals, attitudes, and actions are shaped by its daily environment. Culture evolves through time, and everything that happens in the workplace influences it. Regardless of whether an approach is more efficient for operating your business, evaluating how culture is accepted is critical.
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To help you manage your company’s culture transition, we have prepared the top five tips to consider for improving your internal culture.
1. Establish where you are at and where you want to go
Changing a company’s culture is a long-term project that involves constant goal setting and re-adaptation. While transforming your company, you need to run multisystemic changes simultaneously and make thorough decisions.
First of all, it is important to question your own expectations of your employees and their attitudes towards the company. What do they think about the company's management? Are they happy working with you? Do they feel their interests are represented? Is there a high or low turnover?
It's critical to analyze the situation and determine where you are before moving forward with a cultural shift since this will mark the start of a journey toward the company's objectives.
2. Recruit people who fit your company’s values
Create an environment where you transmit your company values from the beginning.
To retain a workforce that loves their work, hire people who adapt to the lifestyle your company has.
While it is true that experience and education are relevant aspects to fill in a job position, more importantly, is to know the applicants’ expectations of the job and the workplace, what they think about the company values and how they think these values represent them.
Communicate your expectations from day one to candidates, explain the company’s vision and mission, the role’s objective and expectations, and see if you share common goals. Rather than hiring perfect resumes, place a greater value on what a candidate can offer, hire people who are aligned with your company values and that are a good fit for the company’s lifestyle.
3. Hold your team accountable
Transforming how employees feel while working on your team is not easy, but you need to involve as many people as possible to create a change that represents the majority.
Culture change initiatives must start from management and should include stakeholders and employees. It is necessary to create a solid team that will represent the company's interests. A plan should contemplate the discussion, planning, and execution of an organized cultural transition, in which everyone is included.
The most difficult part of getting everyone on board is dealing with difficult employees who resist changes. A good tip for dealing with them is introducing changes slowly; if they do not feel new changes are a good fit for them, you can consider letting them go, or they’ll eventually step down themselves. While management should understand employees’ needs and make them part of the transformation process, the wellness of the majority must prevail.
4. Communicate effectively with your team
As soon as there is a plan to reshape the company’s culture, the next step is to communicate that there will be changes to all employees. While changes are scary, they are also needed to keep the company moving forward to the future, and this is something employees should be aware of.
Establishing a cultural change as a priority and something that will eventually improve the workplace will engage employees and make them feel excited about it.
Communication will be the key to the success of your culture change plan and should start from the top-down and spread through the company's branches.
5. Be determined to make decisions
While changes are happening throughout the company, assimilation from employees will not be easy. Challenges will come along the way, and you will have to make tough decisions in order to keep moving with the plan execution.
Management should understand there will be some negative feedback that should be taken into consideration. While getting everybody together to make a reorganization plan, criticism will also be present. Turn negative feedback into a positive learning opportunity, and be open to ideas that will help the company in the long run.
Changing corporate culture takes time. It is an opportunity to improve your company’s performance and it should be seen as a growing opportunity for everyone in the company. Good communication and the ability to make hard decisions will keep things running smoothly through every step of the way and take you to a planned and organized cultural transition.