Everywhere we look today, we see how the Internet impacts our lives. As technology and smartphones have rapidly evolved, we see a mega expansion in career opportunities for professionals sitting at home.
Gone are the days when a profession meant having an 8 to 5 job with no fair work-home balance. If one needs evidence of how much technology has really evolved the way we live, the pandemic and the world's incredible speed at adapting to a work-from-home model are testimony to it.
But how did the concept of virtual employees really evolve? How was the virtual assistant industry able to overshadow the secretarial services industry? Here is how it all happened.
Beginnings and Evolution
The virtual assistant industry, which has risen to the point where it is now the most lucrative and sought-after job field, began in the early 1940s. Sir Isaac Pitman invented the shorthand method, which initiated the secretarial services industry.
His first secretarial school only allowed men until the invention of the typewriter made the entry of females into the industry possible. Women kept occupying office jobs from then until men completely disappeared from this market by the 1930s.
Typewriters evolved into word-processing systems, word processors transformed into telephones and fax machines, and technology continued progressing.
Going Virtual
By the 19th century, technology had refashioned to such an extent that it gave birth to the Internet in 1994, a medium that made business transactions possible, even sitting thousands of miles away. This evolution marked the birth of the virtual industry when Thomas Lenard, a life coach, and Anastasia Stacy Brice coined the term "virtual assistance" in 1996.
Stacy became the living definition of this new job market by working as a full-time secretary from home for her international client. She used the Internet to provide services such as travel planning, personal assistance, administrative support, etc.
She addressed herself as a 'virtual assistant,' and the term became so contagious that it eventually became the definition of an emerging and exciting profession. The year 1997 saw the professionalization of the virtual assistant industry under the AssistU organization.
Christine Durst founded the virtual assistant industry in 1995 and wrote the book "The Second Commute." She addressed this establishment as a revolution in working from home. She encouraged masses around the world to maximize the advantages of the Internet. She encouraged professionals to pursue their passions, unique sense of independence, and personal goals while earning at home.
The Rise of Virtual Assistant Companies
The period between 2007 and 2014 was crucial for the virtual assistant industry. The global financial crisis prompted businesses to seek cost-effective solutions, leading to the rise of virtual assistant companies. This era was marked by advancements in communication technologies and a cultural shift towards remote work.
The rise of virtual assistant companies during this time can be attributed to several factors:
- Cost-Effective Solutions
- Technological Advancements
- Changing Work Culture
- Entrepreneurial Opportunities
These factors, combined with the increasing acceptance of remote work, contributed to the emergence and growth of virtual assistant companies like:
- Uassist.ME (2009)
- Boldly (2012)
- Prialto (2009)
- Fancy Hands (2010)
- Time Etc. (2007)
- Zirtual (2010)
- Remote CoWorker (2013)
- WoodBows (2013)
Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic
The COVID-19 pandemic significantly impacted the virtual assistant industry, as it accelerated trends like remote work and de-urbanization. Here are some ways the pandemic affected the virtual assistant industry:
- Increased demand
- Hiring through agencies
- Increased workload
- Impact on specific industries
- Adaptation to new technologies
- Long-term impact on hiring practices
Today's Market and Demand
The current market for virtual assistants is characterized by a wide range of specializations:
- Administrative Virtual Assistants
- Social Media Virtual Assistants
- Technical Virtual Assistants
- Creative Virtual Assistants.
- Customer Service Virtual Assistants
This diversification reflects the industry's response to evolving business needs, with companies increasingly leveraging specialized virtual assistants for efficiency and productivity.
A Glimpse into the Future
Looking forward, the integration of AI into virtual assistance is poised to redefine the industry. AI-powered virtual assistants, equipped with natural language processing and machine learning, are expected to offer more personalized and sophisticated support. These advancements suggest a future where virtual assistants play a crucial role in decision-making and business strategy.
The evolution of virtual assistants from basic administrative support to specialized roles tailored to diverse industry needs marks a significant transformation in the workforce. As technology continues to advance, the role of virtual assistants is set to evolve further, adapting to the changing demands of businesses and individuals. This journey not only reflects the progress in technology but also the changing paradigms of work in a digital world.