An organization’s culture is what makes or breaks its reputation. You may wonder at the conviction behind such a statement, but in truth, the setting guidelines and social order of a company’s work practices has a powerful impact.
Along with values, the leadership style, and other aspects, the company culture encompasses a wide number of elements. It is the process of cultivating business growth by empowering employees a voice and implementing positive and productive work ethics, behaviours, and attitudes daily.
The best company culture is one that makes a solid foundation for comprehensive business growth. It is a culture where employees and heads indulge in productive conversations on issues and practical resolutions.
Hire Someone in Charge
The simplest rule in the book is to ensure you only hire an individual who is a people’s person as in charge of the company’s culture. You need to invest plenteous efforts into investigating and verifying the personalities and backgrounds of your prospective candidates. They will lead the efforts of how your company operates culturally, but company culture is everyone’s task to keep.
Since the essential hire is the one in charge of your company culture, the earliest you do it, the better it will be. Being proactive here in this regard will provide you ample time to work with the expert in culture to help drive your company values and morale.
It is also important to note that an HR person is not a culture expert. This is a separate individual with extensive education, experience, and witness of exceptional cultures who can bring the necessary implementations, practices, and ideology in creating the environment you desire for your company.
Bring in the Right People
Yes, hiring is undoubtedly a tedious process, but the more time and effort you put into recruiting and hiring, the lesser chances of going wrong with the company culture. As a business owner, you must know that your early hires can be tremendously instrumental in affecting not only your business but also the company culture directly.
Many often make the mistake of hiring for business solely on the basis of skills. You need to realize that it is equally necessary to observe the cultural aspect of an individual’s personality when it comes to new hiring.
Here are some things to consider when you are assessing the new hires from a cultural aspect:
- Make sure the individual’s personality, manner, speech, mindset, etc. align with your culture and values. It is easy when every staff member moves in the same direction with the same values and beliefs.
- Dive and conquer your interviewing team to cover as much ground as possible. One can never get a complete picture in 45 minutes, but if you assign different areas to different interviewers, they will find more insight through deeper and broader conversations and analysis.
- Prioritize a favorable attitude in the hiring process, instead of skills and experience. I don’t mean to tell you to disregard the latter entirely, but skills will not drive value for long if your employee is ill-mannered, rude, and culturally and morally devoid of ethics.
Keep Reinforcing your Core Values
Just as how business growth is a continuous process, the same applies to the growth of your culture. You need to keep it thriving with strategic programs and initiatives that drive home the core values you wish to enforce.
Employees can quickly forget about the central tenets of the company’s culture if you just talk about them once and then do nothing at all ignite or implement them. Devise rewards as incentives:
- A Founder’s award to the employee who is the best example of the core values
- An achievement award at the end of the month to the employee who has most exhibited the core values of the organization.
Final Thoughts
Culture is a vital aspect if you wish for your business to be among the top rankers. It is also essential if you desire to attract and retain good people for your business. Culture is unique to every organization, but the one common objective is to create an environment of positivity, empathy, kindness, and unity while working on business goals.